If you disagree with a decision your Local Authority has made regarding your child, you can make an Appeal to the Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Tribunal. You can appeal:
A refusal to carry out an EHC Needs Assessment
A refusal to create an EHC plan after an assessement
A refusal to change the sections of an EHC plan, which are about education (Sections B, F & I)
A decision your child does not need an EHC plan anymore
The most common types of appeal are:
Refusal to secure an EHC assessment (28%)
Disputes about the contents of an EHC plan (61%)
Refusal to issue an EHC plan (9%)
In 2022/23, 98% of parents won on appeal against their Local Authority, a mind boggling statistic! Record numbers of parents are now appealing councils refusals to issue education, health and care plans (EHCPs), with nearly all winning their Tribunal cases.
The Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) tribunal recorded 5,800 receipts this quarter, the higest amount in any quarter and an increase of 78% compared to the same quarter last year.
Do you need help with securing the right support for your child or young person?
EHCP Schools specialise in helping families navigate special educational needs, including finding suitable schools and assisting with education, health and care plans. We work with pupils who are mainstream cognitively able, whose primary need is ASD, PDA, Aspergers, ADHD, anxiety and depression, Tourette's, Dyslexia, Speech & language, SPD, school refusal and exclusion. Please visit us at: www.ehcpschools.co.uk
Tamara King is an experienced Educational Consultant for SEN, and an expert by experience as a parent to children who have EHCP's and attended specialist schools. Please contact us at ehcpschools@gmail.com