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We assist with sourcing a suitable independent or State, mainstream or specialist school, for fee paying parents or through funding from your child's EHCP.  We can help you to make informed decisions on the best school to meet your child's specific additional needs.  


We look at all school options open to your child, whether they are in Local Authority, out of Local Authority or Independent schools.  We provide analysis to assist in demonstrating to your Local Authority why your preferred placement is the most appropriate school for your child based on their 'Needs' and the 'Suitability'.

EHC Needs ASSessment

We asssist parents to apply directly to the Local Authority for an EHC needs assessment, based on whether the young person has or may have special educational needs, and whether they may need special education provision to be made through an EHC plan.

SEN Support

We can help empower parents to work with their children's mainstream school to provide reasoable adjustments or SEN Support, as set out in Chapter 6 of the SEN and Disability Code of Practice 2015.

re-assessment of needs

We can help with applying for a re-assesment if you believe your child's needs have changed since their last EHC plan was issued.  Alternatively they may need more help or a different kind of help, or a new school.


We can support you with the phased transfer review (PTR) for transfer from secondary education to Post 16 education.  This is to ensure the young persons EHCP reflects their needs and provides the support they will need in their next placement.


Help to Appeal to the SEND Tribunal against your Local Authorities decison to refuse to carry out an EHC needs assessment, or refuse to issue an EHC plan following assessment.


We will manage the application process for you all the way to placement in your chosen school.  This includes liaising with schools regarding availability of places and admissions arrangements, completeting application forms, arranging tours, supporting interview preparation and taster days, until placement

The percentage of pupils with SEN Support, but no EHC plan is 13.6% (Department of Education, January 2024).

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